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"Central Health Clinic - Sheffield"

A review of Central Health Clinic by V written on Monday 30th of August 2010


The first time I visited here I was pretty nervous, as I was wanting a contraceptive implant (implanon) and was worried about the procedure etc. The waiting room was cosy and Friends was on TV which calmed me down alot! The receptionist was friendly and took my details without any hassle. I didn't have to wait too long before my name was called, and they allowed my partner to come with me to see the nurse. After discussing my options, I had the implant fitted while I was there and it was all done very quickly and professionally. However, after 3 months the implant was really not agreeing with me, so I went back to see about getting it removed. I had a different nurse and she was persistant on making me wait until I'd had the implant 6 months, even though I explained it was making my life a daily misery. I'm going back tomorrow as now it's been 6 months, and I'm hoping they'll agree to remove it this time, if not I shall go somewhere else. Overall, it's a good clinic..

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Central Health Clinic

Map showing Central Health Clinic on Mulberry Street